I'm always amazed how beaders created some flowers, using beads, sequins & pearls. They're are all sooo so beautiful yet intricate. Sometimes I spent almost hours looking at the photos of these flowers, analyzing how to they're made.
The moment my sister in law gave me her jubah to work on, I already decided to stitch sequins flowers on it. So for my 2nd project, I use pink & milky sequins with red beads and white pearls to add some colours to her light brown jubah. On the overall, I still not satisfied with my work. I know I need more practice in order to get the perfect skills.
The moment my sister in law gave me her jubah to work on, I already decided to stitch sequins flowers on it. So for my 2nd project, I use pink & milky sequins with red beads and white pearls to add some colours to her light brown jubah. On the overall, I still not satisfied with my work. I know I need more practice in order to get the perfect skills.
lotsa love from me,